[Dream 10/24/14]

[2014-10-24] @ [9:27 a.m.]

It's been too long since I've been here. I'm trying to remember a dream I had last night. I was at a restaurant. I kept seeing old friends from high school. They were going to a private party, but I wasn't invited. I didn't stay to eat anything. I walked out, and outside there was a group of youth, and they were trying to get a balloon. I kept walking around, and I was always surrounded by crowds. Eventually I found myself in a mall. People were busy, it looked like christmas but not as hectic. I started to see things around me, people were changing, as if they were turning into zombies. I'm not a fan of zombies, so I'm glad I didn't see their faces or what was going on. I kept walking around through crowds, trying to warn them what was following me. They just kept doing what they were doing. I walked into a large gospel church. I walked through the back rooms onto the stage, and I was trying to get someone's attention. But they kept on going with their scheduled program. I kept trying to stay still, but I had to keep moving to not be in the spotlight. Eventually I climbed over some choir seats and went through another back door. But it looked like a pastor's office. The service was over and people kept walking in and out of the room, and all I wanted to do was get out the other door without being questioned. I couldn't even go to the bathroom because someone kept walking in. People were asking me if I could do their wedding ceremony right now, and they were waiting in a room full of people. I pushed through the people and got out of that room, and I was in the mall again. I tried to run outside to get to a car. The sky was dark and the wind was blowing. I was trying to get in a jeep but people kept distracting, jumping on the car and asking me things. I didn't see anything else that was going on outside, only that there were dark clouds and they were moving fast. I went inside again, and I was in another church, on the stage. I saw the pastor on his knees praying. I'm sure everyone could see what was going on outside from the big windows in front of the building where I was standing. At first I kept thinking it was zombies, then I thought it could be a disease. I didn't see people eating each other, but something was spreading around fast. At the end of the dream, I was telling a leader on the stage that the end is here, right now. I woke up from a deep sleep. I don't think any of my alarms went off, but I woke up the same time I do every morning. My head feels like I had a hangover, which I shouldn't. The dream just kept moving, and I tried to stop and look at people and tell them. I wasn't afraid, but I was cautious. I was watching myself do all these things, like I was following right behind me. That's why I couldn't see what it was that was coming, but I knew what it was.

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~ silverluna

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