[Minor changes]

[2013-06-28] @ [2:06 p.m.]

I hate ranting and whining. From myself especially. Also I hate whining in my diary. I'll always have to see it (I know I can erase it, but I won't). It just helps me seem more human.

Had a good weekend last weekend at the river and the beach. Score for getting tan.

Ha, and did I say I lightened my hair? Guess I didn't. I wrote it in my other blog. I got highlights and bangs and whatnot. I don't feels it fits me though. I vow to not cut my hair for a year (but it could happen again). I'm not cutting my bangs again, at least.

Sounds like i'm having a half life crisis (new word, everyone) with all this change nonsense. Also sounds like I'm a vampire.

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~ silverluna

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