[When a tornado meets a volcano...]

[2010-10-11] @ [11:38 p.m.]

So my ex got married this Saturday...I shouldn't have messaged him. They might be on their honeymoon or something. He might not answer anyways.

Why are guys so confusing? M.E. messaged me on FB on Friday maybe, saying he doesn't want to hang out, work out, talk, text etc with me. He said he was grossed out with the thought of me as anything more than a friend. Sunday he messages me saying we can work out but no hang out after. Really?? He's worse than I am at sticking to his word. But I need his kind of motivation, so I'll take it. At least we're somewhat talking again. Not that I want to spend a lot of time like I used to either.

He's difficult (Am I as difficult?)
He's sarcastically blunt (I "complain alot", so he says)
I think he's a women hater (I remember I tried not to be stereotyped. Have I become a "woman"?)
I know I can't change him (Does it really hurt to try?)

Not sure why I am giving it another try. But maybe that's all I need right now, a guy friend. He does care, in his own weird way. Oddly, like a brother. So I'll take what I can get. I need the motivation.

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~ silverluna

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