[I still procrastinate]

[2013-08-03] @ [11:09 p.m.]

Instead of writing my personal testimony, I am helping my sister write a paper. I don't know how I found enjoyment in writing papers in college. I prefer them than taking an exam. I learn so uch more writing a paper. My sister, on the other hand, despises papers and all other forms of examinations...hope she passes English.

In other news, I'm surprised how quickly I got most of my letters of recommendation for the position. Sadly the last letter i'm waiting for is from my pastor. Imagine that.

I also have someone looking at my resume (which I have to check if they responded to my email). The only thing I have left (that I've been procrastinating on writing) is my personal testimony. Why is it so difficult? I don't like writing about myself. And yet, I write in blogs. Funny?

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~ silverluna

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