[Another day, another month]

[2013-02-01] @ [3:27 p.m.]

OH, it's only been 2 weeks. My bad. I've been busy working at USF full time. It's not permanent, but I hope it will be in the end. IF it doesn't then I'm getting a brand new full time job. I'm tired of waiting.

I'm still eating (semi)raw vegan. I always have to remember to pack a lunch and make a green smoothie in the morning. I've done pretty good with this schedule. I missed a few green smoothie days. But it's still so good. Its so nice to go to the farmers market and get most of what I need for the week for $20. It's cheaper than buying gas for $20. I get a little less than half a tank of gas. Sounds corny, but it's the truth.

Speaking of money, I haven't been paid for my services at USF for a month now. There were complications with my reappointment for the semester. It's settled now, and I have a week more to go to see the money in my account. And all the fresh fruits and vegetables I bought have lasted me this long. It's a nice feeling. That's why I'm not worried. Only one more week to go.

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~ silverluna

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