
[2011-07-12] @ [1:11 a.m.]

I am a terrible person. No man loves me, no man will ever marry me. Two of the guys I dated are married. One is going to propose, and I know it's not to me. My guy bff is starting to date, and the fling i'm with now...it is what it is. There's nothing there. All I do now is try to get all the attention I can. But I know I'll lose this one too. I'm too picky, too rude and pushy. I'm not even preparing myself for marriage. I'm so sad. I'll never marry. Thank you God for loving all of me, with all my flaws and bad habits and addictions. If I were Him I would have dumped me a long time ago.

ugh. I'm done. I'm done for. I wasted everything.

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~ silverluna

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