[M.E. (the shortened version)]

[2010-08-03] @ [5:21 p.m.]

I first met him in my creative writing class at HCC in spring 2004. He was mostly to himself, but I remember he wrote some interesting poems and stories. I thought he was cute. He was in a band at that time, and I wanted to go see him play but I never did.

Fast forward 4 years later. I was working at Starbucks as a shift supervisor. At that time I was the "floating shift" and was helping a few stores here and there. They asked me to work a couple days at the SR54 and Sunshine Skyway Starbucks. As I was working I saw his name on the schedule. I NEVER remember a person's name AND face. But I remembered him. I found him on myspace and added him, but I never talked to him.

Now to present time. My other friend L is a creative writing major, and she started talking about this guy M in her class. I knew it was the same guy, and I told her about it. I think it was last year that I heard about him again. So now 6 years later, My friend L invites him to karaoke, and he actually came. He looked sad though, and I heard his gf broke up with him. But I didn't get to talk to him then either.

So a couple of days ago I added him on FB. We chatted a couple of times, and we hung out last night. I still thinks he's cute.
I really don't want to make a big deal of it. He used to be a christian. When we started chatting again we talked about God and church.

So this is how I'm going to take this. He's a really nice guy that is fun to hang out with, and he wants to find God again.

Last night I was watching him change his guitar strings, and one broke. So I suggested we go to Sam Ash and get more. He bought me guitar strings for driving him there. I told him I was hungry, and he fed me his dad's BBQ chicken (which was delicious!).

I stopped by his work (Jimmy John's) today to let him borrow a tape player (that I bought at Goodwill), and he made me a sandwich.

He's "just" a (great) friend...a friend. :)

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~ silverluna

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