[Forgotten Beauty- a writing]

[2003-04-30] @ [3:05 p.m.]

I was washing the dishes when all of a sudden, it begins to rain. I rush to finish the dishes, just so that I could sit outside and watch the rain fall. I look out the window while I�m washing, and I see the drops hitting the ground. I thought of taking my radio outside with me, but then I said no. I like to listen to the rain. For a moment, it sounded like the rain stopped falling, and I think to myself, �The rain has passed. I missed it.� When I was done, I went to the door to see if this was true. Good�The rain is still falling. I sit down on the porch and breathe in the cool wet air. The drops falling on the ground make the grass shimmer and shine. The trees and plants glow as little droplets fall from their leaves. I look up and I see the birds singing and playing in the rain. The clouds are a soft gray color. Whistling is heard in the distance as I see the mailman pull up. I get up from my seat and walk to get the mail. The cool rain is refreshing as it hits my face. I walk back and sit down. Ahhh�a few minutes of relaxation. The rain is falling softly now, and the ground is damp. A soft mist catches my eye and quickly disappears as I watch it drift by. Small puddles of water reflect the sky above. This peace is suddenly broken by the sound of the passing cars. �How is this happening?� I think to myself. �Such natural beauty is being taken over, destroyed, forgotten�� It looks like the rain has finally stopped now. The clouds part and the blue sky is uncovered. I take one last look at the forgotten beauty before I go back inside.


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~ silverluna

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