[In the life of Sara-a-a-a...]

[2002-12-18] @ [1:12 p.m.]

Music: brit rock!

Ok...right now, I�m tired of writing about how my weekend was and little things like that. SO, this is what we're going to do. I'm going to take you on a tour of...

THE LIFE OF SARA...a...a...a.

what a typical day would look like in the life of...me!

Hehe...ok. Here we go. I wake up in the morning. You would think that because I am so grown up that I should be awakened by my alarm clock. But it�s not my alarm that is waking me. It�s my mom. She is shaking me and telling me to wake up. I�ve tried to use my alarm clock, but she wakes me up before the alarm ever rings! So, after a mere 15 minutes of listening to my human alarm clock, I finally get up.

I take a shower, get dressed, and stretch out my leg because, for some odd reason (maybe its because I�m old), it hurts. Then I go to the living room. Here my mother comes again, whining about how I am so lazy and cant help her make breakfast. blahblahblah. So I make breakfast, and we get ready to go. Oh, but we cant go without an occasional soap opera episode. Today, it was between my mom and sis. I don�t know what they were arguing about. All I heard was blahblahblah. I think it was about who gets to brush my sis' hair.

So, its time to go. But we can�t leave without saying goodbye to my father. He's sitting up in the bed with his work clothes still on waiting to say goodbye. Finally, we leave. My mom tells me to roll down the window so she could see, because the windows are so fogged up. "You need to be extra, extra careful." *aw gees, I already know that mom*

My sister was going to go get her breakfast alone, but I spoke too soon. My mom dropped us off, and I escorted her to the lunchroom. We got in line, talked to a few of her friends, passed by her Art teacher (who, by the way, does not look that bad!) and took her to class. So as I go back to the car, she gets ready to leave. Then another car comes up and tried to park, so my mom moves the car further away from me! So I run to the car and, feeling like James Bond, jump in.

We then drive 15 minutes to work. It�s not a bad trip, though. We got the radio on and I�m singing along to �the Hippo Song�. If you haven�t heard it, i think you can find it here.

Anyways, i work at Family Life Resources."And what i that?" you may ask. Everyone always asks! well, it a credit counseling agency. By the way, if anyone who reads my diary is having credit problems, you can go to our web site and see if we can help you, okey dokey?? (another thing, i am not in ANY of those pictures, if you wanted to know!!) i go in my office and i see a secret pal gift! how cool is that? i love getting gifts (as well as getting them, of course!)so, when i turn on the computers, the first thing i do is check my email before someone sees me or my boss comes in. Im not allowed to do that here, and its not fair! Everyone else gets internet except me!

So, i come in and do some work...and work, and work, and work, and work, and work...you get the idea. Then i remember one specific detail about this day...MY BOSS LEAVES EARLY! so i can do whatever i want (well not "whatever", but i have to look like im working!)

work, work, work and listening to the Beatles...work, work, work...Beatles..."i wanna hold your hand!"

ok, well that's it for now. Im so tired right now, and its only 2:23 pm. *sigh*


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~ silverluna

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