
[2002-11-01] @ [3:32 p.m.]

What i am listening to now: dancing queen!

OLDIES ROCK! I just love them, from the 50's to the 80's. I don't know why. Maybe they're just catchy tunes.

Hehe...right now "secret agent man" is on...

*~*secret..Agent man! secret..Agent man!*~*

I was born in the 80's, but I never listened to the music when I was little, except for the New Kids on the Block. I don't remember any of the songs except "I missed the bus...and I'm never, ever, ever gonna do it again..."

I'll be okay, really I will. It's FRIDAY! YEA! I gotta write a research paper! Horray...hey, wait a minute...aw man! The rough draft is due next week? Aw gees, that's great. No time for anything now...


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~ silverluna

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