[May update]

[2013-05-15] @ [11:46 a.m.]

Hey middle of May. And I guess this turns into a once-a-month blog.

Nothing much has changed, really. Well maybe except for starting a new blog and more music things going on. I am really busy. But I am here to visit.

It makes me think of a man talking to a child (running a tangent here). I can't come visit you every day, but I will be here once in a while. Not a nice thing to say, is it?

Anyways, I'm still writing more, less poetry, but I can still add that here and there. I'm doing more crafting things in my "spare time". Mostly at my lunch times and before I go to bed. If I'm not on my computer. I fall asleep the moment I sit on my bed, looking at the computer screen. I couldn't work in my room when I was taking classes, and I still can't do it now. I need a desk in my room.

Here's something new. I have a friend that says she wants to know God. She posts on FB: I need to find God. How do I? Of course I read all the comments before I message her. None of the answers are correct.

Are you for real? Because I never stopped trying to show her God. I did stop hanging out with her for some time, because she felt so dependent on me to feel happy. But is what she saying the truth? Does she have the realization that she NEEDS God? Or is this something to get attention. This girl cries wolf all the time for attention.

So I message her questions to see what she knows, and I tell her we should meet to talk more. But then I start rethinking things. I was always raised in church, so I felt like I believed from the beginning. So how do I start telling her about God?

She was raised Catholic, so she knows some stories. But she wants to know the EMOTION. That's what she is calling it. The FEELING. How do I describe the feeling? I don't describe it. I show it. Her questions really made me double check my answers. It's more than just the facts. The facts make people angry at one another and bring division. I want to show her the true God so that when she sees the opposition of denominations and contradicting beliefs, she will know what is real and true.

So I am working on myself. Who knew that after planning to read the bible more that something like this would come up, and I would have to defend SHARE my faith. It's not about defending my beliefs. It's who God is. That's what I need to share.

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~ silverluna

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