[Cold Feet]

[2012-11-26] @ [4:12 p.m.]

What a LONG weekend. It was really nice though. I got off work early Wednesday afternoon. L (My bf...there, I said it) got off work at 1 pm, and I got off at 3 pm. We went to the store for an hour, looking for ingredients for him to make a raspberry cheesecake. We went to visit his friends in WC. They were getting married that Saturday (More on that story in another entry). Those few hours of freedom Wednesday were AWESOME. Never realized how nice a half day off work could be. Thursday morning I tried to sleep in, but I woke up at 9 am. I walked with my parents at the park, and we went to the grocery store together. I planned to make apple pie for my mother, and my sister and I ended up making all of thanksgiving dinner. Well, except the rotisserie chicken the bought from the store. We made mashed potatoes from scratch, stuffing, boiled asparagus, Steamed veggies and gravy. I think my sister and I are planning more good things for next Thanksgiving.

Saturday was the wedding of L's friends JB and JB. It was a lovely wedding and great people and it was so much fun...I just don't know if I should be with L. That question always bothers me. I've already done things I shouldn't have done. We've been getting to know each other for 10 months already. Why am I so scared of all this?

While they were doing the vows, he handed me a note while he was recording the ceremony. It said something along the lines of: Everyday I thanks God He brought our paths together. One day we will have a beautiful day like today. ILY He is too romantic. Maybe I don't think I deserve him. I don't deserve him. He's been gracious enough to come to my church and learn about God, and meet all my friends. I don't want him to just follow me around like he does. I want him to understand whatever he needs to learn about God.

I'm overevaluating again. It's only been 10 months. I just don't want it to be 3 years again. Has this year flown by, or is it just me?

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~ silverluna

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