[A title for this?....Random i guess...]

[2012-11-06] @ [5:16 p.m.]

Sometimes I feel I can't express myself at all. I read other people's blogs and think to myself, why can't I write like that? So then I try to write, and only a paragraph comes out. I don't think I can process one idea fully without another idea jumping in and taking me another direction.

Or I find myself staring into the fan at my office with 5 minutes left on the work close trying frantically to put my words down on type. My mind can't keep still.

People keep asking me if I have a CD out yet? What about an EP? I'm not THAT good yet. I try not to be so vain. But even crappy songwriters have CD's out, right? That's what I keep telling myself. I just feel mediocre. I'm hoping one day something that looks like a song will fly from my fingers and a melody will ring from my guitar, and I will write it down and finally be able to write songs freely. What's more stressful is that I want to write a "Christian" song, but at the same time I don't. I want something different. More of a poetic medley. Maybe even hymn-like. A very simple song everyone can connect with. Maybe one day. Soon.

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~ silverluna

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