[My heart's desire...]

[2008-02-16] @ [4:25 p.m.]

I think everyone has given up on reading this. I do tend to write every so often.

There's so many things I need to think about. Shawn and I are giving some time to God. It's getting hard without God's focus. But it's really difficult not being with Shawn. I'm trying to treat this as if we were apart, so I can really get through my emotions and focus. But it's really difficult.

I realized that I've wrapped up my ministry into his. What if we didn't get married? What would we do then? That's the reason we've taken some time off.

I don't like the way that sounds at all. I hate to think about not being with him and not doing ministry with him. He's such a big part of my life. He completes me. But I have given too much focus on him. I haven't given any time to think about me and where God wants me to be.

But my heart hurts because I want to be with him. I just hope it's God's desire too.

This time
What I want is You
There is no one else
who can take your place...


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~ silverluna

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