[The end of this chapter?]

[2008-02-12] @ [5:52 p.m.]

Drat! My last entry didn't go through. Oh well. That entry was too broad anyways. Maybe I can write a better one now that I'm more relaxed.

After some time of thinking, there's no way to explain how I feel. God is starting the plan that He showed Shawn a few years ago. And that leaves me less time to decide. But it's not the decision that bothers me. It's what I have to do to inform others of my decision. It's the action part that's hard, to do something I say I want to do...
Now I lost my train of thought. I'm talking to Shawn as I'm typing.
Anyways, I have to make a decision soon and act on it. The thought of missing out of something that God has for me makes me want to cry. I don't want to miss out. I don't want to live without Shawn. But I've never taken a step like this before. I have never made a decision contrary to my parents and acted on it. That goes to a whole new level of fear. I just want to do the right thing, what's good for me and everyone else. But I guess that's impossible.

Going off to another tangent, I started weight watchers again. The last time I did this, I lost 25 lbs. But I didn't have any support. My mom and I were doing the program without the books or meetings. Now I'm doing the program online. I'm really excited because I'll be heathier, and i'll look better for my wedding day. Oh, what a day that will be.
Now I just have to figure everything out...

(So I realized that the last entry did post. I might as well leave it there.)

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~ silverluna

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