[The day before Mexico...]

[2005-06-16] @ [9:07 a.m.]

Well, tomorrow I'm leaving for Mexico. I need to be at the airport at 5:30am (I think they're crazy, considering that the plane leaves at around 8:30am). I'm not packed yet. I have a few more things to buy, a few to exchange. I went shopping with Kristina yesterday. I absolutely hate shopping. I get really cranky, tired and loud. After shopping, people from church called saying they were going to watch Batman at 10:30pm. Of course I said I would go. I really wanted to watch that movie the first time I saw the commercial. Shawn went too, so it made movie watching a lot better. I think I need to watch it again when I conme back. It's very different from the other Batmans.

We found out that in Mexico they are promoting the worship band as a big rock band. Funny, but awesome at the same time. I pray that we can reach out to everyone that come to our "concerts". Hehe...it just sounds so cool! I'm glad I get to bring my guitar along.

Shawn said he was going to go to the airport at 5:30am to see me leave. He's crazy...

I know I'm not going to get any sleep tonight, especially since I would have to wake up at 3:00am to get ready to go. Why sleep when I can stay awake? I bet I can get some sleep on the airport floor. Anyways, if anyone gets a chance to read this the 9 days I'm gone, please say a little prayer for us. I'll be back home on the 25th, So I'll see you then...

P.S.-I'll be taking a few disposable digital cameras to Mexico (Did you know they had disposable digital cameras? Awesome!). Hopefully I'll be able to get some pictures up.


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~ silverluna

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