[chasing God...]

[2004-07-28] @ [1:39 p.m.]

Looks like there's a lot of updating I need to do! I went to RevoSummer from the 20th-24th, and God was there. Every day was a new experience with God and a chance to find out more about myself.

Only four of us went this year: Jacque, Carlos, Andy and me. I know it would have been fun with more people from the youth group, but it was so much more fun without them. We got to meet more people, and I didn't have any big responsibilities to worry about like last year. I really wish the youth band was able to do worship there, though. That could have been a great experience too.

Jacque and I got to share a room with Naomi (our friend that we met at camp last year) and her friend Lindsey. Did I mention that camp was at Coronado Springs Resort in Orlando, Florida? How awesome is that? We got to stay in nice rooms, AND there was air conditioning. I got pictures of the people I met there. Hopefully, that would help me remember their names when we go again next year. Brilliant, right?

One of the great things God did is that He used us. One night (I think it was on Thursday), we were all up at the altar praying for our friends and family that are not saved. Then the leader told the youth to get with their youth groups and start praying for their city. We only had four people from our youth, but we still got together and started praying. We prayed that our church would get more on fire for God, and we can come together and be united. We prayed for the neighbors around the church to be touched by what we do. We prayed for Ybor City and for the people searching for something. When we got home and went to church the next day, I saw God move. He started bringing the people closer together, and He brought us closer to Him. I told the pastor about Revosummer and what happened.

And I told him, "It's starting. God is changing us..."


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~ silverluna

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