[New beginnings...]

[2002-12-31] @ [10:44 a.m.]

Music: Oldies! i love them so!

Imagine, i made it through the whole year. So many good memories, so many struggles in my life that i am still facing (Im still struggling with the guy thing!) well, this is the final day of the year, and a perfect day to start new. I know God has been bugging me to get back. Yesterday my family went to one of our friend's house. Their little girl wanted to play with me, but i was so tired and i pretended to be asleep. The whole time i was there, she was saying "Sara, get up. Sara, get up" over and over again, not screaming it out, but saying it in a soft voice. It was as if God as saying "Sara, get up". i know that might sound a little weird, but hey, i am weird! And little things in my life that stick out like that are important to me. It's time for everyone to wake up and see the truth, the reality of world and what it can do to people's lives.

And today in our prayer meeting, one of the employees said a very good scripture verse:2 Corinthians 5:17. Actually the whole 2 Corinthians 5 is really good. It talks about how we are made new. And as of now, im BRAND NEW!

I know that i might sound like im preaching and stuff. Although i might be writing scripture in here, im still the same person i was before, and im still going to make mistakes, and they're all going to be put in this journal for your enjoyment (if anyone CARES to read it!)

So, finally, there is going to be a practice for praise and worship for the next week. And i know God is going to do something tonite, i can feel it. I really miss God, knowing that he is always there, feeling His presence all around me! Im glad to be back!


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~ silverluna

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