[Something I've never done before]

[2016-10-02] @ [8:51 p.m.]

I remember when I used to write in here to recall things from my past. I was trying to remember some memories from when Lorenzo and I started dating, like when he told me that he loves me. Apparently I was too busy to write about things like that.
Our wedding is in November. We have one month left to finalize everything. I don't know how someone could do this alone. No wonder people pay big bucks for coordinators and planners.
I never thought about my wedding. I never had plans when I was a kid. Now I have to make it up as I go. It's exciting and scary at the same time. I've lived at home all of my life. Now I will live with my husband, and we'll take trips and update our home and have a family. This is the next step.

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~ silverluna

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